November 2023
Speaker Series –
Tyler Hedlund speaks on Orthoptera –
Hopping Across North America – grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets of North America
Date: November 7, 2023
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Come learn about Orthoptera! The grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets of North America (north of Mexico) present a highly diverse species assemblage. The presentation will cover taxonomy, identification, ecology, and more! While the presentation will cover most of North America, there will be a focus on the Texas fauna.
Tyler has a Master’s degree in Entomology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he worked on ticks and tick-borne disease. He discovered the allure of “hoppers” while working at the Illinois Natural History Survey after getting his degree and hasn’t looked back. He currently works for the US Department of Agriculture, first as an Area Identifier in Laredo, TX, and now as a Plant Health Safeguarding Specialist in Champaign, IL.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 891 8700 2517
Passcode: 212786

Monthly Work Session
Date: November 11, 2023
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Location: 1787 Holford Road
We break into teams and each team has a knowledgeable volunteer, so you know exactly what to do. We will work on the Wildscape garden, push back woody encroachment on the prairie, and more.
For last-minute information, especially if the weather is questionable, check our website or Facebook page for updates, including dates and locations which may change because of conditions. We don’t want anyone working in the forest or on the prairie if there is a chance of lightning strikes.
Safety Information:
- BRING WATER and insect repellant.
- Close-toed shoes are mandatory. Heavy work gloves, long pants, and protective eyewear are recommended for your protection from poison ivy and thorns.
- If you have them, bring loppers and/or small tree saws. (No power tools.)
- All participants and the parents of minors must sign our Liability Waiver.
- Youth under 18 must be accompanied by an adult; no drop off/pick up of those under 18.
- For Master Naturalists, this may count as Volunteer Hours on the Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest project.
4th Sunday Walk –
Dr. Tiffany Lipsett shows us
Family Time in the Forest
Geared toward families with kids ages 4-10
PLEASE SIGN UP BY NOV 19 AT 5:00 PM (link below)
Registration for November Family Walk
Date: November 26, 2023
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Location: 1770 Holford Road
Explore the sights and sounds of Spring Creek Forest Preserve with activities and a guided walk geared toward families with children ages 4-10. Dr. Lipsett has extensive experience working with youngsters and this walk is geared toward showing children and their parents how to have a fun experience in our Forest. There will be several activity stations highlighting something special about the Forest.
In addition to more than 20 years of experience in education and the sciences, Dr.Lipsett is a trained conservation biologist and earned her advanced degrees from Texas A&M University. She celebrates her upcoming 20th year as a North Texas Master Naturalist. She researches various plant species to uncover the perfect combinations for local ecosystems. She advises residential clients, offering creative ideas and frameworks to seamlessly integrate native plants into their yards while designing captivating landscape habitats. Additionally, she collaborates with schools in the area, consulting on outdoor play spaces and developing educational nature and arts curricula to foster a deeper connection between students and the natural world.

Special Event
Bird Walks with Reba –
Dates: Saturday, November 25 and Sunday, November 26
Location: 1787 Holford Road
Time: 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
What birds are in Spring Creek Park Preserve in late fall after Thanksgiving? Come for a morning walk and find out. Reba is a Certified Birder and is known throughout the metroplex for her skill in identifying birds. She is a Master Naturalist and on the boards of our Society and Keep Garland Beautiful.
- Reservations required: Groups are limited to 10 people per walk because too many people scare away the birds. Contact Reba at to reserve a spot.
- Bring binoculars.
- Dress for the weather. If it has been raining, rain boots may be appropriate.
December 2023
Christmas is for the Birds – 13th Annual
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2023
Location: 1787 Holford
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
This is a super-fun event for pre-school or elementary school children. Bring them to the Park Preserve where they make biodegradable bird feeders out of peanut butter and bird seed, then they hang the feeders in our forest. Yes, be prepared to get a bit messy.
- Some folks make their own feeder treats at home and bring them to hang on the trees.
- Biodegradable bird feeder ornaments must be hung with cotton yarn or string. The birds will use the string later for making their nests. Do not use metal, plastic, or fishing line for hangers. They are dangerous for birds and wildlife because they might ingest it and injure themselves. If you make bird feeder ornaments at home, please bring them to the park ready to hang.
- Some examples of biodegradable bird feeders:
- Pine cones coated in peanut butter and rolled in bird seed.
- Strings of fresh or dried berries. (Use cotton string.)
- Strings of non-buttered popcorn.(Use cotton string.)

Holiday Party for Society Members –
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Location: 5806 Firecrest Drive, Garland, TX
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
No speaker in December, but for Society members only, a Holiday party at the home of Don and Barbara Baynham. Everyone bring a snack to share; drinks are provided. We relax, chat about nature, and tell stories.
If you are not yet a member, but would like to come to the party, call 972-495-3569 or send an email to We will gladly accept your membership form and payment (cash or check) at the party. Membership cost is still at our 1990 level – no inflation here – $20 for an individual, $25 for a family, $300 Lifetime.
Monthly Work Session
Date: December 09, 2023
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Location: 1770 Holford Road
We break into teams and each team has a knowledgeable volunteer, so you know exactly what to do. We will work on invasive removal, trail maintenance, and more.
For last-minute information, especially if the weather is questionable, check our website or Facebook page for updates, including dates and locations which may change because of conditions. We don’t want anyone working in the forest or on the prairie if there is a chance of lightning strikes.
4th Sunday Nature Walk
December – no walk in December, but we make it up to you with a Start-Your-New-Year-Right Walk on January 1.
Start-Your-New-Year-Right Nature Walk –
Refreshing walk among the biggest trees in the Preserve.
Date: Monday January 1, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Location: Halff Park at Ranger Drive

Plan your schedule around Spring Creek Preserve
Monthly Public Speaker Series:
Interesting speakers are lined up. Our meeting is usually on the 1st Tuesday of the month from September to May.
- Meeting Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- Location: currently meeting via Zoom call.
- For Master Naturalists, this often counts as 1 hour of Advanced Training, but check the MN schedule to be sure.
January 2, 2024 – Amy Martin, Wild DFW
February 6, 2024 – Carol Garrison, Aquatic Macro Invertebrates
March 5, 2024 – Tina Rust – How to Map Trails using GPS
April 2, 2024 – Stephanie Varnum – Native Orchids of Texas
May through August – Summer break
September 3, 2024 – To be announced
And more to come.
Monthly Work Sessions
Date: 2nd Saturday
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Location: Changes with the work that needs to be done. Check the Monthly Announcements, Facebook, or our website.
We break into teams and each team has a knowledgeable volunteer, so you know exactly what to do. You could be clearing trails, taking out invasive plants, opening up the prairies, even picking up trash.
For last-minute information, especially if the weather is questionable, check our website or Facebook page for updates, including dates and locations which may change because of conditions. We don’t want anyone working in the forest or on the prairie if there is a chance of lightning strikes.
Upcoming Dates:
January 13, 2024, Location: Halff Park at Ranger Drive
February 10, 2024, Location: 1770 Holford Drive
March 9, 2024, Location: 1787 Holford Drive
April 13, 2024, Location: Halff Park at Ranger Drive
May 11, 2024, Location: 1787 Holford Drive and includes a Bring Your Own Picnic
Service Projects- Need a project for your organization, Gold Award, or Eagle Scout rank? Contact David Parrish,
4th Sunday Nature Walks
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
The locations of 4th-Sunday Nature Walks will vary throughout the Preserve depending on the subject of the walk. Be sure to check the latest announcements.
January 28, 2024 – Halff Park at Ranger Drive, Leader Amy Martin
February 25, 2024 – 1770 Holford – 31st Annual Trout Lily Walk, Leader Tom Frey
March 24, 2024 – Location TBA – Leader Tina Rust
April 28, 2024 – Location 1770 Holford – Leader Matt Stepanek
May through August – Summer break. It’s too hot!
For a fun walk on your own, try our Self-Guided Interpretive Trail at 1787 Holford Road that was created by the North Texas Master Naturalist chapter in Dallas. Follow the trail markers and read about the significance of the area on your iPhone or on the downloadable flyer.
Special Events Coming Up –
Bird Walks with Reba –
Dates: Saturday, January 13 and Sunday, January 14
Location: 1787 Holford Road
Time: 8:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Do you want to learn what birds spend the winter in Spring Creek Forest? Come for a morning walk and learn to identify some of our wintering birds.
- Bring binoculars.
- Reservations required: Limited to 10 people for each walk. Contact Reba at to reserve a spot.
- Dress for the weather. If it has been raining, rain boots may be appropriate.
Members-Only Trout Lily Walk with Tom Frey
Date: Saturday, February 24
Location: 1770 Holford
Time: 2:00 – 3:30 |
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee usually meets once a month. The meetings are open to the public. For information, please contact us at
Become a Society member!
The Society’s only means of financial support is through Memberships. Did you know that Membership has benefits such as Member-Only Nature Hikes. Support the Forest today. See membership information below regarding where to send your membership information and check.
Membership: Join us today, or give a gift membership to someone you love. Download our membership form:
Make a donation! Your donation helps the all-volunteer Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest offer public lectures, conduct habitat management workdays, and offer public nature walks.
Please mail your tax-deductible remittance to: Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest, Attn: Treasurer, P.O. Box 450176, Garland, TX 75045-0176
Monthly Announcements:
To subscribe please contact: |
General Preserve Information
The above activities are specific to the Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest.
For general Preserve information, please call Garland Parks and Recreation Department, 972-205-2750.
Dog Policy
On-leash dogs are welcome in our Preserve. However, note that it is illegal to have off-leash pets in Garland parks. Please call 972-205-3570, option 1 to report off-leash animals. Also, please deposit pet waste bags in the trash bins in each parking lot. Do not leave bagged pet waste beside the trail.
Thank you for your support!
David Parrish, President
Ginny Wilcox, Secretary
Marvin Rogers, Treasurer
Barbara Baynham, Newsletter
And the rest of the Preservation Society for Spring Creek Forest Executive Committee
972-495-3569 |