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Tick – an insect we should all be aware of before we walk across our prairie or through our forest understory! Tyler can answer our questions.
Ticks are eight-legged arachnids that are more closely related to spiders than insects. Ticks are most commonly encountered in fields or wooded areas, especially along the edges between forest and open areas. Except for the brown dog tick, they are generally not seen in urban sites. They can transmit several serious, difficult to diagnose diseases. Don’t let ticks keep you indoors, but be aware and don’t ignore them either.
Tyler has a Master’s degree in Entomology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he worked on ticks and tick-borne disease. This work has taken him from the metropolis of Chicago to the savannahs of Kenya as he collected thousands of ticks over the years. He currently works for the US Department of Agriculture, first as an Area Identifier in Laredo, TX, and now as a Plant Health Safeguarding Specialist in Champaign, IL.
Below: Female Lone Star Tick by Mike Quinn
Below: Male Gulf Coast Tick by Mike Quinn.