Executive Committee meeting
The Executive Committee volunteer board usually meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are open to the public. Once [...]
4th Sunday Nature Walk - Caleb Hinojos – Nature Beats the Winter Blues
Caleb will tell us about the interesting strategies the wildlife in the Preserve use to make it through a Texas winter. Caleb Hinojos was raised [...]
Special Event - Bird Walks with Reba Collins
Reservations required: Groups are limited to 10 people per walk because too many people scare away the birds. Contact Reba at rcollins20@verizon.net to reserve a spot. What [...]
Special Event - Bird Walks with Reba Collins
Reservations required: Groups are limited to 10 people per walk because too many people scare away the birds. Contact Reba at rcollins20@verizon.net to reserve a spot. What [...]
Holiday Party for Society Members
No speaker in December, but for Society members only, a Holiday party at the home of Don and Barbara Baynham. Everyone brings a snack to [...]
14th Annual Christmas is for the Birds
This is a super-fun event for pre-school or elementary school children. Bring them to the Park Preserve where they make biodegradable bird feeders out of [...]
Work Session - 2nd Saturday - Work on the Trout Lily Trail
We will work on the Trout Lily Trail – maintenance, obstacle removal, etc, and we will locate and remove the invasive plant Amur honeysuckle, which [...]
Executive Committee meeting
The Executive Committee volunteer board usually meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are open to the public. Once [...]
Start the New Year Right Nature Walk
Start your new year with a refreshing walk through the tallest trees and wildest part of our Preserve. We will break into small groups [...]
Executive Committee meeting
The Executive Committee volunteer board usually meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are open to the public. Once [...]
4th Sunday Nature Walk - Caleb Hinojos – Nature Beats the Winter Blues
Caleb will tell us about the interesting strategies the wildlife in the Preserve use to make it through a Texas winter. Caleb Hinojos was raised [...]
Special Event - Bird Walks with Reba Collins
Reservations required: Groups are limited to 10 people per walk because too many people scare away the birds. Contact Reba at rcollins20@verizon.net to reserve a spot. What [...]
Special Event - Bird Walks with Reba Collins
Reservations required: Groups are limited to 10 people per walk because too many people scare away the birds. Contact Reba at rcollins20@verizon.net to reserve a spot. What [...]
Holiday Party for Society Members
No speaker in December, but for Society members only, a Holiday party at the home of Don and Barbara Baynham. Everyone brings a snack to [...]
14th Annual Christmas is for the Birds
This is a super-fun event for pre-school or elementary school children. Bring them to the Park Preserve where they make biodegradable bird feeders out of [...]
Work Session - 2nd Saturday - Work on the Trout Lily Trail
We will work on the Trout Lily Trail – maintenance, obstacle removal, etc, and we will locate and remove the invasive plant Amur honeysuckle, which [...]
Executive Committee meeting
The Executive Committee volunteer board usually meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are open to the public. Once [...]
Start the New Year Right Nature Walk
Start your new year with a refreshing walk through the tallest trees and wildest part of our Preserve. We will break into small groups [...]