This is a super-fun event for pre-school or elementary school children. Bring them to the Park Preserve where they make biodegradable bird feeders out of peanut butter and bird seed, then they hang the feeders in our forest. Yes, be prepared to get a bit messy.
- Some folks make their own feeder treats at home and bring them to hang on the trees.
- Biodegradable bird feeder ornaments must be hung with cotton yarn or string. The birds will use the string later for making their nests. Do not use metal, plastic, or fishing line for hangers. They are dangerous for birds and wildlife because they might ingest it and injure themselves. If you make bird feeder ornaments at home, please bring them to the park ready to hang.
- Some examples of biodegradable bird feeders:
- Pine cones coated in peanut butter and rolled in bird seed.
- Strings of fresh or dried berries. (Use cotton string.)
- Strings of non-buttered popcorn. (Use cotton string.)
Recipes to make your own:
COOKIE CUTTER BIRD FEEDERS (Easily made by school age children with supervision)
- 1 Small package original gelatin unflavored (Knox)
- ¼ Cup Water
- 1 Cup Birdseed
- Straws
- Waxed Paper
- Cookie Sheet and Cookie Cutters
- Ribbon, string, or twine
- Place unflavored gelatin in a pot and add the water.
- Bring it to a simmer while stirring until all of the gelatin is dissolved.
- Remove from heat.
- Add the birdseed to the pan of water/ gelatin mix and blend well; the mixture will smell earthy.
- Place waxed paper on the cookie sheet and put a cookie cutter on the waxed paper.
- Spoon the bird seed mixture into the cookie cutter pressing it in firmly.
- Cut a straw about 3 inches long and insert to make a hole for hanging.
- Let it set up, then remove cookie cutter and straw.
- Add a string to hang it.
- 1 Cup crunchy peanut butter
- 1 Cup lard
- 2 Cups quick-cook oatmeal
- 2 Cups cornmeal
- 1 Cup white flour
- ½ Cup Sugar
- Raisins (optional)
- Nuts (optional)
- Melt peanut butter and lard together.
- Stir in the other ingredients.
- Pour mixture into cookie cutters or form into balls and freeze.
- Raisins and or nuts can be added to the mix prior to freezing.